Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We're in Oregon!

Crater Lake National forest
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The Big Move

Hunter really handled this big rig well. Grandpa's a great coach!
Did we move to Mars...

The moon....

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Clinic Abroad -Madagascar

Todd's layover in Paris.
Madagascar! He got all the kids to make funny faces for the camera. They had a lot of fun with the children there.

They got to see some Lemurs up close.

Cute kid.
Todd really had a good experience there and accomplished all his adjusting numbers. But was glad to be heading home.
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Trick-r-treating at Palmer.
Elise didn't feel so good so she didn't get as dolled up as planned.

Indiana Jones won "Most Original" for his age group at the Palmer costume party.
Note the Spider on his hat and the snake climbing up his boot.
Indies SO COOL!

There's the pretty princess! SO CUTE!
She would have won an award if I was the judge and had she dressed up for the contest.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Family in Columbus Sept. 08

At Brooke's (Sis-in-law) birthday Party.
Dad and Mom enjoying their Grand-kids. My older bro. Jason and my Mom.At Baby Mckenna's Blessing party.
2 of my Bro's (Jase and Jed) with Todd. Me, Brooke, Jared, JasonElise with cousins her age.Hunter doing stunts.
Hanging with the older sweet cousins.

Dayton Air Museum last Sept. with cousins

We met my brothers Jed and Jared here.